Reservoir is a leading Washington, DC-based health care consultancy purpose-built to help organizations successfully navigate complex issues and elevate business, reputation and advocacy priorities.

We support clients to:

Reservoir is a leading Washington, DC-based health care consultancy purpose-built to help organizations successfully navigate complex issues and elevate business, reputation and advocacy priorities.

We support clients to:

Establish Strong Partnerships

We believe in the power of partnership to solve problems and change minds. We help clients forge and deepen relationships with key partners and allies because we believe the greatest insights happen when barriers are removed and we can establish common ground.
Because meaningful relationships make all the difference on any health care need or developing issue, advocacy and alliance development underpin our client work. The Reservoir Advocacy & Alliance Network (RAAN) provides a mix of advocacy experts and seasoned strategic partners who enable us to bring the most diverse and thoughtful stakeholders and viewpoints to bear for any health, technology, therapy, disease state or coalition issue.
  • Coalition Development
  • Stakeholder & Landscape Audits
  • Ally Engagement
  • Issue-Specific Awareness
  • Patient/Consumer Advocacy and Education
  • Provider Advocacy and Education
  • Media Relations & Amplification

⦁ Coalition Development
⦁ Stakeholder & Landscape Audits
⦁ Ally Engagement

⦁ Issue-Specific Awareness
⦁ Patient/Consumer Advocacy and             Education
⦁ Provider Advocacy and Education
⦁ Media Relations & Amplification

Drive a Narrative

We work to anticipate the broader debate and advance critical data and stakeholder perspectives that change conversations. With a compelling story in place, we work with our clients to make sure their voice is heard in a memorable and meaningful way.
  • Thought Leadership Platform Development & Amplification
  • Corporate Narrative & Positioning
  • Message Development
  • Creative Direction & Design
  • Policy & Issue-Specific Communications
  • Rapid Response & Crisis Communications
  • Proactive Media Outreach
  • Message Training & Materials
  • Internal Communications
  • Brand Development, Research & Testing
  • Digital Strategy & Mobilization
  • Influencer Targeting
  • Creative Direction & Production
  • Paid and Earned Media Amplification
  • Grassroots & Grasstops Outreach

Communicate Access and Value

Reservoir recognizes the journey to patient treatment is complicated by numerous barriers and works to identify and address them. We focus on a broader range of access, value and pricing issues that enable clients to be nimble, well-informed and responsive. Reservoir can help clients elevate access issues, reinforce the value of their organization and/or product brand and differentiate their products by honing in on the attributes, data and narrative that can drive market uptake. With this focus comes a deep understanding of the engagement required to demonstrate and communicate corporate value, and the need to model value propositions with a strategic foundation.
  • Corporate Milestones & Branding
  • Brand Positioning & Disease Awareness
  • Therapeutic Area & Product Leadership Platforms
  • Market Access, Value & Pricing Communications
  • Environment Shaping
  • Policy & Stakeholder Engagement
  • Advisory Boards
  • Payer & HTA Communications
  • Patient Experience Mapping
  • Audience Research & Listening
  • Product Communications
  • Messaging & Content
  • Executive Positioning
  • DC Influencer & Media Engagement
  • Internal & External Communications

Navigate Complex Issues

Our team comes to the table with deep knowledge of the political, regulatory, legal and media environments that our clients must navigate. We prepare and support clients with innovative approaches to handling complex business, reputation and advocacy challenges.
  • Corporate Positioning
  • Crisis & Issues Management
  • Public Affairs Strategy
  • Stakeholder & Media Relations
  • Third-Party Outreach & Support
  • Rapid Response & Public Relations Counsel
  • Executive & Media Training
  • Reputation Research & Campaigns
  • Risk Analysis
  • Environment Shaping