Trading in my nice-sized office, complete with furniture, two desks, and…well…privacy, for a shared workspace didn’t exactly make in it onto my “must have” list in my new job negotiations. But after just days at my new office digs, I have to admit that I’m a convert.
When hearing of companies that moved to a bull pen or trading floor setup, I was shocked. How can they hear themselves think? What happens when they need to return a call from their doctor? I’m distracted enough by people just walking by my office door…how much work would actually get done if coworkers were all piled in there together?
The answer? A lot.
In today’s 24/7 work environment, we are all just…so…busy. Employees opt for sending emails to their co-workers rather than walking two doors down to their office. They avoid in-person meetings because it’s too tough to get away from their desks. And they schedule brainstorming sessions via conference call, where admittedly half the attendees are on mute and working on other projects. Full disclosure: I’m guilty of all three.
But what my new, shared workspace has quickly shown is that collaboration is a dying art in need of reviving. I’m fortunate enough to sit with three super-smart individuals, all who bring a different skill set and expertise to the table. By simply turning my chair around, I have access to some great PR minds who are ready to offer their thoughts. We talk through issues, bounce ideas off the wall, and dig a little deeper into our creative selves. In some instances, they look at problems in ways I don’t, and therefore bring unique solutions or angles I may have otherwise overlooked. In others, they serve as validators of my gut instinct on how to tackle a client ask.
In addition to increased collaboration and having more meaningful access to the company’s expertise, sharing a work space is more efficient. I don’t waste time drafting long emails and then having to reexplain the issue when something gets lost in translation. It cuts down on the amount of time we spend sifting through our inboxes and drafting responses that are good, but not necessarily great, because we’re so busy trying to get through our inbox. I also check off those personal “to-do” items during my lunch and before or after my day in the office, making my time at my desk more productive.
So in summary: Creativity + Efficiency + Productivity = Happy Clients.
That said, the key to a collaborative workplace is giving employees a quiet place to escape to, whether they need a little space to get some writing done, make a personal phone call, or enjoy their chicken tikka masala without offending their co-workers.
And when all else fails…invest in a good set of earphones!